Monday, November 18, 2013

It Must Have Been A Dark World - I Fell Asleep In Thor

I was looking forward to seeing Thor: The Dark World - honestly I was. I'm a blog writer after all. But truth be told, Thor is my least favorite of the Disney controlled Marvel superheroes and once the theater lights were dimmed, so was I. I just told Mrs. DisneylandTraveler that I probably slept through half the movie and we now need to buy the blu-ray just so I can figure out what went on.

I know what the problem is. More than any of the other action superhero movie characters, Thor dabbles in the world of Fantasy - Lord if the Rings or The Hobbit type of stuff (none if which I have seen either).  I'm a man who mostly works in a earthly plane so the other worldly stuff goes beyond my simpleton mentality.

Maybe my next viewing of Thor: The Dark World will take place shortly after have breakfast and a half of potcoffee.

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