Saturday, August 31, 2013

On The Flip Side Of Greatness Comes Iron Man 2

Right after watching the original Iron Man (see posting below) and taking a bathroom break, we decided to keep going and put in Iron Man 2 into blu-ray player. For all the great things I can say about the original Iron Man, I can say negative things about Iron Man 2. It's simply not as good of a movie as its predecessor and falls prey to sequel-itis where second films in a series tends to get lazy and unfocused. Neither Mickey Rourke or Sam Rockwell are very compelling as villains, being more caricatures than true characters. The story is wildly unsteady with very good scenes butted up against incredibly bad scenes (who can forget a falling down drunk Iron Man trying to fight his best friend to the death?). 

But mostly putting up the grounded grittiness of the original Iron Man up against Iron Man 2, the second installment comes off as simply comic book material and not a good comic book at that. Whereas an Iron Man was, for most people, a memorable movie, Iron Man 2 is sadly a forgettable one. So much opportunity to do better, so much time and resources wasted on what was delivered to the audience. 

Iron Man 2 isn't the worst superhero movie ever, just not a very good one.

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