Sunday, March 9, 2014

Staying Awake Through Thor: The Dark World

Dark World is right. While I fell asleep through Thor: The Dark World when it was in the theaters (thanks to a change in one of my medications), I managed to stay awake for the film when I watched it here at home on my blu-ray disc last night. Admittedly staying awake was a bit of an effort at times as the mighty God of Thunder moved from other worlds and realms to London at the drop of a hat. Confused? I was. I can imagine and 8 year old trying to follow this stuff.

Anyway, I think I finally got it figured out. I like my superheroes to have their feet both firmly planted here on earth (or in the skies above it). This altered states, other worlds, and different dimensions type of activity takex me out of my comfort zone.

Thor: The Dark World was a watchable movie just not a very enjoyable one. At least I stayed away through it.

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